As mobile technology evolves to create value for advertisers with advanced targeting capabilities, high customization and precise measurement, the mobile ecosystem continues to be threatened by an ever-expanding and evolving web of ad fraud. Estimated to cost growth marketers approximately $350 million in 2017, ad fraud has left advertisers scrutinizing the authenticity of each impression and every subsequent user interaction. According to Forrester Research, ad fraud will reach $10.9 billion in wasted spend by 2021, so it’s now more important than ever for the industry to come together and fight this battle together.
Introducing The InMobi Anti-Fraud Framework
As a trusted partner of leading brands across the globe, InMobi has taken the initiative with its Anti-Fraud Framework to protect and enhance value for advertisers. Most fraud checks today are downstream (post-click) and account for only 15-20% of all fraud. InMobi scrutinizes fraudulent activity at each point upstream, right from the time of publisher onboarding, to the install event.
The InMobi Anti-fraud Framework includes:
With the Anti-fraud Framework, InMobi identifies and rejects suspicious ad requests to the tune of 10% of all traffic, bins 15% of all served ads, and discards 4% of all registered clicks in a campaign. The InMobi Anti-Fraud Framework gives advertisers unparalleled real time access to their campaign hygiene as a no-cost value-added service, something no other mobile solutions provider currently offers.
Adopting the Right Metrics for Fraud Prevention
Mobile users are exposed to a multitude of ads on a daily basis and are prone to become ad blind beyond 15-30 ads. Additionally, a network driving an install every 200-300 clicks is without a doubt ‘suspicious.’ Hence, upstream touch points such as impressions and clicks are the strongest directional indicators of fraud. Measured as Mean Clicks to Install (MCTI), MCTI is defined as the number of clicks required by an ad network to drive an install from a specific user. InMobi boasts of an MCTI as low as 5. In addition, for downstream (reactive) metrics such as Mean Time Taken to Install (MTTI), the percentage installs driven by a network should be less than 10% for an MTTI of 10s.
While most advertisers or networks today implement anti-fraud measures as an afterthought, merely reacting to the threat with a goal to minimize impact, the InMobi anti-fraud framework has been built to weed out fraud by disincentivizing fraudsters across the mobile ad lifecycle.
Industry Collaboration
InMobi has committed to joining several anti-fraud industry initiatives and industry groups, including:
Education Efforts
As part of our efforts to bring the ecosystem together and collectively discuss steps to understand and minimize fraud, InMobi has also launched a series of interactive workshops titled InMobi InDecode: Decoding Mobile Fraud. The most recent workshop took place in November 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia where InMobi’s Krishnendu Majumdar, SVP & Global Head, Products, Performance Advertising and Praveen Rajaretnam, Product Marketing Manager presented insights from InMobi’s research on fraud to an audience of leading performance marketers. Haikal Bekti Anggoro, Head, Online Marketing at Lazada Indonesia, stressed upon the need for frameworks which can help advertisers analyze tons of data across platforms to identify fraudulent activity, during a fireside chat at the workshop.
As a thought leader in the ad tech space, InMobi has been at the front line in tackling ad fraud. InMobi has joined forces with a number of industry partners and utilized their fraud abatement tools to combat bad actors/fraudsters and develop new solutions for the best interest of our shared clients and the ecosystem.