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Whiteboard Wednesdays: How Unified Auctions and Header Bidding are Better than Waterfalls [VIDEO]

投稿日 May 02, 2018
By Matt Kaplan , Content Strategist Content Strategist

Among publishers looking to monetize their apps, fewer terms are more trendy right now that header bidding. After all, if header bidding has been so successful on the browser side, why can’t it yield the same positives in apps?

It can, so long as it’s done right. The problem is, how in-app header bidding is done by so many players today leaves a lot to be desired. As Chuck D once said, “Don’t believe the hype.”

To help you get to the bottom of the matter, Andrew Gerhart, our VP of Publisher Platforms, walks you through the ins and outs of the options available to publishers today. In this video, Andrew explains the downsides of both waterfalls, the most common monetization approach today, and the current standard approach to in-app header bidding, while also highlighting the myriad benefits of unified ad auctions.

This is our first Whiteboard Wednesday video. Once a month, we’ll be whiteboarding the biggest trends, misnomers, technologies and approaches that publishers should know about. Be sure to stay tuned for the next edition of Whiteboard Wednesday soon!