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Guaranteeing Viewability, Reducing Fraud with DoubleVerify and InMobi

投稿日 December 11, 2018
By Matt Kaplan , Content Strategist Content Strategist

For mobile advertisers today - especially those leveraging programmatic media buying and in-app inventory - rising rates of fraud and an overall lack of verifiable viewability for their ads are major concerns. Historically, less than half of all mobile ads are viewable, and mobile ad fraud nearly doubled between 2017 and 2018. In fact, fraud has now become so pervasive that some advertisers may be losing close to 80 percent of their mobile ad budgets to SDK spoofing, click injection, faked installs, click spam and other related concerns.

To help address these worries, we recently developed an industry-leading partnership with DoubleVerify. Thanks to this brand new integration, any advertiser working with InMobi can be confident that their ads are being seen by real people across the world’s premier mobile apps and that their campaigns are certifiably free of fraud.

So how does this partnership work on the fraud side of the equation? The integration covers both pre-bid targeting for all impressions within the platform, as well as monitoring of post-bid fraud activity, such as spoofing. DoubleVerify identifies and screens the most comprehensive types of in-app fraud, including background ad activity, hidden ads, app misrepresentation (spoofing) and measurement manipulation.

This comes on top of the steps InMobi has already taken to fight fraud, including being independently certified by the Trustworthy Accountability Group’s (TAG) Anti-Fraud Program. This is key for advertisers, as TAG-certified channels have, on average, 83 percent less fraud than ones that are not certified by them.

In terms of viewability, advertisers on the InMobi Exchange, whether they’re buying directly or programmatically, will be able to more effectively quantify their ad views through a DoubleVerify-enabled wrapper. This is available through all of our demand-side partners that run VAST video experiences - including vertical videos and fullscreen inventory - on Android or iOS.

While InMobi’s viewable rate has long exceeded industry benchmarks from IAS and Moat, this new partnership with DoubleVerify will provide measurable proof at the campaign level. This is not the first time we’ve secured partnerships to help improve and prove video viewability, as we began supporting Active View, Google’s viewability verification product, earlier this year.

“DV’s partnership with InMobi demonstrates our commitment to provide consistent, comprehensive quality coverage for global brand advertisers,” said DoubleVerify COO Matt McLaughlin. “With ad spend increasingly concentrated in mobile, it’s imperative that brands have transparency into the quality of mobile app inventory. We are proud of our partnership with InMobi, which expands the footprint of our fraud prevention capabilities and further distinguishes DV as the leader for mobile app verification.”