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Partnering with Industry Leaders to Make a Difference

投稿日 April 14, 2020
By Team InMobi

COVID-19 has profoundly changed our lives, our work and our industry. Like many of you, we have asked ourselves what we can do to help.

In this spirit, we are proud to partner with Amobee and other leaders in the industry to run public service announcements. These PSAs will reach global audiences, and they lead readers to the World Health Organization’s website.

What’s the goal of the initiative? We are committed to keeping the public around the world informed regarding the measures they can take to help prevent the spread of the virus.

To learn more about this global effort or get involved, head to this website.


For data and insights from InMobi’s intelligence solutions on how COVID-19 is impacting people across the globe, head to inmobi.com/covid-19.