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A Message From InMobi Japan

投稿日 March 11, 2011
By Hidetaka Tembata

A message from InMobi Japan’s VP and Managing Director, Hidetaka Tembata.






InMobi Japan代表取締役社長
天畠 秀隆


To all in the Tohoku and Kanto regions that have suffered damages during the earthquake,

We send our sincerest sympathies to all those in Tohoku and Kanto from the 3/11 earthquake disaster. Also, we send our deepest condolences to any family and friends that may have been lost.

Japan has commissioned a mandatory rolling black-out period, we have confirmed from the data center in Japan that this should not affect our services.

On the otherhand, InMobi is considering programs helpful to the earthquake victims as well as the rescue officials one way or another.

We hope that those in the affected areas are able to return to normalcy as soon as possible.

President, InMobi Japan
Hidetaka Tembata